Thursday, 2 April 2009

Site Build It Now

Site Build It Now

Well as we move into April you may be wondering what to do.

March came and went but if you want to create a website then the problem hasn't got away.

Some say one solution could be Site Build It but why pay $300 for something you can do for free ?

Thursday, 26 March 2009

Site Build It Review Update

Site Build It Review Update

[UPDATE : Toban has been banned from Steve Pavlina's site for starting the thread criticizing Site Build It - LMAO !]

What a strange week since Lis posted her now famous Site Build It Review.

A whole load of other Site Build It review sites have sprouted up like mushrooms in an attempt to save some people money by pointing out that there is a whole load of free stuff out there you can use to get yourself an Internet presence and start making some money online - so do yourself a favour and save yourself some money !

If you are looking for a thorough review of Site Build It by someone who has actually used it and who is not interested in making $75 on your back through his affiliate link then check out Toban.'s - A Negative Review of Site Build It

Toban has the merit of having written his review of Site Build It before the recent outbreak of reviews.

Toban wrote his negative review back in February and is not very pleased that well-known self-development guru Steve Pavlina is recommending Site Build It.

There is also an interesting comment on Steve Pavlina's forum by a 'senior member' of the forum stating that he was having trouble monetizing his Site Build It site, for which he had paid $300 including support, and he was offered 3 hours extra 'coaching'for $180 ! So $300 is not the end of the story.

Watch this space !

galaxy site build it

Sunday, 22 March 2009

Site Build It Reviews

Site Build It Review Site! - Is SBI a Scam?

The ability to make money online if you are unemployed, retired or a complete Internet beginner might seem very tempting in these dire economic times and you might be wondering if a service such as Site Build It is a good investment.

Let's face it, it costs $300 so it's not cheap and you don't want to fork out that amount of money for something which may prove to be a waste of time and energy and, of course, money. $300 is a lot of money, especially for something you can live without.

As a beginner in a world which may be new and intimidating to you i.e. the making money online or work from home sector, you are at a disadvantage - basically you haven't got a clue ! You therefore may be tempted by one or more of the various alluring offers which people who appeamake money online snake kaar to know what they are talking about are alluring you with.

Don't be allured !

Get thee behind me Santa!

You may think these nice people really like you, in fact the truth is a bit more prosaic, they really like your money! Don't believe me ? Ask to sign up to Site Build It, or any of these money making schemes, for free and suggest that you pay them $300 after you have actually made $300, using the honour system. You could even offer to pay them double out of your earnings. What would they say I wonder ? Hmmmm.

The fact is, however, that at the moment you are out of work, or retired and you need to make some money, so you say to yourself "let me build a site and make money online" !
make money online snake oil
Well that certainly is a good idea, except I would say that you don't need to build a site and you certainly don't need to spend $300, or even $3, you just need to build a free blog and put up some posts.

Take a look at this blog. It took me five minutes to set up using the free site build it service provided by Blogger. Then 15 minutes writing this wonderful text which you are taking the time to read! Possibly wondering where's the catch?

Well there is no catch, I won't be asking you for any money and you can read this and go away and never come back, I won't be offended and I don't want your e-mail address so I can spam you with any enticing offers.

Site Build It will cost you $300 every time you want to create a site, so if you create 3 sites that's $900 ! Blogger is free and you can create as many sites/blogs as you like, although I don't recommend you do that, stick to 3 or 4 to start with and in fact stick to 1 until you get the hang of it.

There are lots of reviews of Site Build It on the Internet and I have listed some of them below. I recommend you have a look at these reviews and any others you may find, both the good, the bad and the ugly. There are plenty of people who say that Site Build It is the best thing since sliced bread and have written reviews saying they are very happy with it. Why wouldn't they ? They may be making or trying to make money online from it and they may also be trying to get you to sign up to Site Build It through their site because they make $75 if you do. Who knows ? People have been known to be economical with the truth when money is involved

There are other people who claim Site Build It is a scam, rubbish, BS, a waste of money and akin to a cult or a religion. These people have also written reviews. Some of these people have never used Site Build It, but given that they have a lot of experience using the Internet, and are active in Internet Marketing and making money online, their reviews should not be discounted.

There is a third group of people who HAVE used SBI and who are not happy with it and they have written reviews saying so.

Basically, you can spend $300 dollars if you want to but remember you will then need to earn $300 online just to break even, and despite what some will tell you it ain't particularly easy - but it can be done. It's just better if you don't need to work like a dog just to get your money back - and remember it is $300 each year !

There are, on the other hand, plenty of good people online who will tell you how to make money online free, without spending a dime. How is it done? Well like I said earlier you start off by going to Blogger and setting up a blog for free.

A word of advice before you rush off and do that - make sure what it is you want to do online before deciding on the name of your blog. So if you want to sell bananas then make sure that the word bananas figures in the name of your blog. You will see that this blog is about Site Build It reviews, which is why I called it Site Build It Review Site. So think long and hard about what you want to blog about online, it should preferably be something that people will be willing to spend money on but not something where you will be up against 200 million competitors.

At some point, but not straightaway, you will need to sign up to Google's Adsense program - it's free. You first need to put up a post on your blog about your chosen subject, using the product you want people to visit your site for e.g. bananas - just don't use the word too often - about once every 50 words should do it.

That's it - it will take time but it needn't take money.

In the meantime you can check out the Site Build It reviews below and also visit the site of the guy who knows more about making money on the Internet then anyone else I've come across online -see 'the real deal' below

These Site Build It reviews should let you form your own opinion based on some straight-talking minus the usual hogwash.

Once you have read the SBI reviews and formed your view - then set up a free blogger blog ! You can always sign up to a paid service later if you really feel the need.

make money online thats all folks