Thursday, 26 March 2009

Site Build It Review Update

Site Build It Review Update

[UPDATE : Toban has been banned from Steve Pavlina's site for starting the thread criticizing Site Build It - LMAO !]

What a strange week since Lis posted her now famous Site Build It Review.

A whole load of other Site Build It review sites have sprouted up like mushrooms in an attempt to save some people money by pointing out that there is a whole load of free stuff out there you can use to get yourself an Internet presence and start making some money online - so do yourself a favour and save yourself some money !

If you are looking for a thorough review of Site Build It by someone who has actually used it and who is not interested in making $75 on your back through his affiliate link then check out Toban.'s - A Negative Review of Site Build It

Toban has the merit of having written his review of Site Build It before the recent outbreak of reviews.

Toban wrote his negative review back in February and is not very pleased that well-known self-development guru Steve Pavlina is recommending Site Build It.

There is also an interesting comment on Steve Pavlina's forum by a 'senior member' of the forum stating that he was having trouble monetizing his Site Build It site, for which he had paid $300 including support, and he was offered 3 hours extra 'coaching'for $180 ! So $300 is not the end of the story.

Watch this space !

galaxy site build it


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the plug!

It looks like Pavlina wasn't too happy about me criticizing SBI on his forums. I got banned, and considering what I wrote, it hardly seems fair. Looks like more he's interested in protecting his SBI revenues...

DharmaGuy said...

LMAO - lol - why am I not surprised ? I suspected that thread would get closed and in fact I was surprised it was left open so long ? I haven't checked yet but does it mean that he closed the thread as well as banning you ? Lol - way to go Toban ! You should start another blog - !

Make Money Online said...

Hi nice Site Build It Scam Review Site - nice and simple to understand !